03.27.03 5:27 pm
i hate me!

i fucking hate algebra. how do you drop your grade from a 115% to a 79.5%? by getting a 12/24 on a quiz (thats a 50%). fuck. thats going to be hard to bring up. especially since i dont fucking understand a single frickin thing thats going on right now. im so paranoid about good grades now. if i dont do well enough, my future is nothing.



i dont know why i keep your windows open. i dont know why i act like i do. i dont know why i cant get over it, espcially since there wasnt anything there but 3rd period. i dont know what you think of yourself. you look into the mirror and hate what you see. dont hate yourself. youre so cute in a goofy way. i like you and its the most retarded thing in the world. moronic. (we looked up the definition in french class... haha.) i dont even know why the hell im writing this "letter". find me someone to like, ok?


the talent show is tomorrow. yay!

i do yoga everyday, even though its only been the third since i discovered it. hahaha.

i ate a reasonable snack today! i didnt pig out! im so proud of myself. hahaha.

lalala, im bored. today was ok. i have to pee.

i dont know if im really hungry or not. either way, ill just wait till mom gets home in a bit.

its been real.