12.13.03 6:46 pm
allyson, alone on a saturday night? but of course!

well i updated my cast. i really dont have any friends.

i really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really want it.

there just no pleasing me, im telling you.

so, i got busy with my video homework assigned by micheal. i was planning on watching drop dead fred, fast times..., and donnie darko. i didnt get to see ddf because it was checked out already. oh well! i really liked donnie darko though, i love movies like that, with the twist at the end. fast times was cool too, but both movies made me cry with all that kissing going on. sakdljfasd!

so last night i went to the show. i felt like such a 5th wheel. i was the only one there in the group without a penis. yeah, there were lost of girls there, but they were all bests, y'know? so i just stood by as they all tried to get each others balls and stuff. and in the end, jeff didnt try to kiss me, so that was kinda dissapointing. so right now im really wanting a snog and its just not cool.

yeah, just stop reading, im such a hopeless whiner.

well, ma mere will be home soon and theres much cleaning to be done. *sigh*

its been real.