10.21.02 7:01 pm
more about my [boring] day and some random-ness

wow. the day goes by so slow when youre not going to school.

i went to the optomitrist this afternoon. this kid tells me im near-sided as well as far-sided. ive had glass since i was in 1st grade, and now i need bifocals? c'mon! well, he didnt say i needed bifocals, i just assumed since im both near- and far-sided according to this guy. hey, did you know my optomitrist is the same guy that lives in my neighborhood and has about a ga-jillion cats? yeah. theres your intersting fact of the day.

im really nervous about this thyroid thing. i dunno anything about it, it sounds serious-ish. haha. gah, im falling apart at age 15 (minus a month and some days). ::shakes head:: i got it from my dads side of the family.

i hope i dont have loads of work to make up. i know i dont have anything for d-tech or wellness... probably not for theatre (but that 3 page report was due, which i copied from encarta) and who knows for science. mrs mcpherson is so weird.

//youre more than tounge tied this time/well i can feel it in your lips/nobody told me you were/a sucker for a kiss//

sorry, hm...

dont you want somebody to love? (uh, yeah)

yeah... im outta stuff to write about this bore-tastic day i had.

unh, i played nintendo all day. fun stuff. i need some games, kids. i have two. (im talking about game cube here.) there are only a couple i want, all the rest are chessy and/or sports games. i want a fighting game. i loooove street fighter, but i suck. i dont take time to work out all those fancy-schmancy codes n combos, im a button masher. i think that adds a certain erm, funess to the game (not).

well, i think im done here.