10.18.03 1:56 pm
dream poem

in english we have to write a poem in the style of nikki giovanni. heres mine:

"i like dreams


nothing matters

when youre dreaming

there are no


to your actions

there is no responsibility

only emotion

you are at the mercy

of your imagination

if i had my way

id dream forever

and be a slave

to the labyrinth

in my head

while the rest

of the world


i am fighting

a war with

the sun

by allyson golden inspired by nikki giovanni"

i dont know if i should keep the last six lines. do they fit? i really like giovannis style. i hope we will study poetry more. i really like it.

i talked to jeff online last night for a pretty long time. i think i was one of the few people on his buddy list that wasnt working or at the game. haha, i so want him. i dont know how else to put it. ugh, what is wrong with me.

its been real.