02.26.04 4:52 pm
nothings new, i promise

since the passions came out last night, most conversations led to religion today. i dont really care for the movie, it strikes no interest in me.

jake: so... who wants to see the passions?

ashlie: *cricketcricket*

me: wow! thats the first time ive been in a room where noone cares about that movie!

of course, there were only four of us in the room, but still, that counts for something.

today stagecraft was amazing. me ashlie jake and rachel cleaned the dressing rooms. i was groped by steven cox and was left feeling very confused about life, hahaha. then we played baseball with lumber scraps. that was awesome. im a pretty good catcher! then we tried to continue that game outside because the sound of wood hitting the ground behind stage was apparently too loud for the kids auditioning. beh. after that failed, me and ashlie went behind the caution tape and snuck up the loft. were so badass! i must say, the loft is awesome. then it was us for chatting in the dressing room and gradually more people came in. we didnt mind. it was awesome chatting with everyone and being spectacles.

i think jeff just wants in my pants, but im ok with that. perhaps thats all i want, too?

um, nothing signifigant happened today except i skipped art this morning and hung out. ive got to finish the portrait tomorrow morning or im doomed.

ben kweller is coming to nashville april the 7th at the exit-in! i hope its an all ages show, e-i tends to do a lot of 18+ only. betsy shanna and i are going no matter what. it will be cool. i mean, i hope we can... the 7th is a wednesday and what sucks is that its two days before spring break. *sigh* ill never win.

i almost bought a whole lunch today but decided just to get a cinnamon bun. i wasnt really hungry and i felt kinda weird.

lalala, its been real.